The co-founder and head of the MMT company Dennis Yudchitz was shortlisted among the finalists of the international "Entrepreneur of the Year 2017" in Russia contest under the "Healthcare of the XXI Century" nomination.
"Entrepreneur of the Year" is a one of a kind contest for entrepreneurs, that has been conducted by EY in Russia since 2003.
The competition is unique in its aim to recognize the success of entrepreneurs who inspire others with their own example, create jobs, endorse innovations and improve the quality of life.
The winner is determined by a national jury comprised by distinguished representatives of science and business circles, public authorities and previous year’s winners.
About the "Entrepreneur of the Year" Award
The EY "Entrepreneur of the Year" contest is the most prestigious international competition for entrepreneurs.
This unique contest allows to recognize the success of entrepreneurs who inspire others with their ideas, enthusiasm and achievements.
As the first and only competition of its kind, “Entrepreneur of the Year” aims to acknowledge the merits of the creators and leaders of successful, fast growing and dynamic companies at regional, national and international levels. EY is the organizer of the competition, the winner is determined by an independent jury. The contest is held in more than 145 cities in 60 countries:
ММТ press office