MMT CEO, co-founder and head of "Online Doctor" and "Pediatrician 24/7" Dennis Yudchitz has been nominated for the "Entrepreneur of the Year 2017" award.
The EY "Entrepreneur of the Year" contest is the most prestigious international competition for entrepreneurs. This unique contest allows to recognize the success of entrepreneurs who inspire others with their ideas, enthusiasm and achievements. As the first and only competition of its kind, Entrepreneur of the Year aims to acknowledge the merits of the creators and leaders of successful, fast growing and dynamic companies at regional, national and international levels. EY is the organizer of the competition, the winner is determined by an independent jury. The contest is held in more than 145 cities in 60 countries:
BFM.RU with the support of Business FM radio station has launched online voting under special category "Business Internet Choice" among the finalists of the "Entrepreneur of the Year 2017" international competition: https://eyaward2017.bfm.ru/.
The voting at BFM.RU site is held among the finalists of the national stage of this year’s competition that were determined by an independent jury.
Any visitor can support one of the entrepreneurs with a vote on the voting page from October 23 to November 21, 2017.
Throughout the voting period Business FM will broadcast new success stories - reports about the finalists, the rise of their business and their plans for the future, on a daily basis.
EY as the organizer of the competition plays no role in the voting process and does not participate in the vote count.
The entrepreneur who receives the largest number of votes will become a winner in a special "Business Internet Choice" nomination by BFM.RU, the winner’s name will be announced at the solemn award ceremony on November 22, 2017.